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Touch and Communication

Touch and Communication uses objects placed or moved along the body to support with increased body awareness, and supports with communication by allowing you to observe likes and dislikes, your child's ability to ask for more, tell you to stop and make choices between stimuli. 

If your child asks you to stop at any point please honour that wish for a short time. Introduce the stimuli again and see whether they can tolerate it again. 


This session works best when you have access to as much skin as possible. If it is warm enough to work with your child in only their vest and pad this would be most beneficial.


Each track of music has one or two objects to use whilst the track plays. 


*We do not own the rights to this music*


1. Smells and Tastes

Choose from Candyfloss or popcorn to smell, taste or feel on exposed body parts. 

Fairground Attraction By Fairground Attraction

2. Tightropes

Choose from thick ropes, or thin strings.

Feel in hands, or use to lift limbs up and down. 

Tightropes from The Greatest Showman

3. Clowns

Choose from a horn or a wet sponge. 

Hear the horn being blown, try to use it yourself using your hands or feet. 

Feel the wet sponge being dropped, or squashed onto different parts of your body.

I love to laugh - Mary Poppins

4 Strong Man

Choose between heavy or light objects.

Feel the weight of the objects placed into laps or onto hands and feet.

So Macho by Sinnita

5. Fire Breather

Choose between different crinkly and crackly materials to create fire noises. 

Great Balls of Fire by Jerry Lee Lewis

6. The end of the circus

Use of a parachute or large piece of material to waft over the children's heads. 

Allow the material to drift away at the end of the track. 

Fare Thee Well by By Kate Rusby
