Fine Motor
Fine motor skills activities
Fine motor activities can help children perform crucial tasks like reaching, grasping, and moving objects. These activities can lead to your child having the ability to control and manipulate objects in their environment. Fine motor activities can progress your child to complete tasks like buttoning or zipping their coats, fastening their shoes, turning pages in a book, or mark making/handwriting. Below you will find some activities to try at home. These activities are using resources you can find in your home.
Use a colander and pipe cleaners.
Can you thread the pipe cleaners through the holes?
Can you pull the pipe cleaners out of the holes?
Use small building bricks to make a construction.
Can you push the bricks together and pull them apart?
How many bricks can you use to build a tower?
Can you selcted requested colours?
Use an old container and milk bottle lids for a posting activity.
Can you post the lids into the container?
How many can you post?
Use an old container and lolly pop sticks for a posting activity.
Can you pull the lolly pop sticks out of the container?
How many can you pull out?
Can you post the lolly pop stick in the holes?
How many can you post?