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Transition to Secondary School

Transition times for pupils and families should be exciting, as new opportunities are planned for children to develop new friendships, learn to make choices, experience a wide variety of learning experiences and develop communication and independence skills. Challenges are a positive part of this transition, but for many children with learning difficulties and/or disabilities the challenges may seem insurmountable. They and their parents and carers may feel that there are no or very few choices for the future.


At Lady Zia Wernher School we believe that our role is to support children and their families at the very important transition time from primary to secondary school. We aim to support our pupils to fully access the curriculum, develop their communication skills and to become as independent as possible.


There are a number of key times which you may find helpful to make a note of when pupils are making the transition from Primary to Secondary school:


Year 5 
Summer termParents Coffee mornings at Secondary Schools
Year 6 
Autumn 1Parents Coffee mornings at Secondary Schools
By October half termApplication deadline for Secondary Schools
Spring 1Parents and Schools notified of pupil placement
Spring 2Transition meetings at your child's primary school, with Secondary School in attendence
Summer Term

Visits from Secondary teachers to primary classes to meet pupils

Transition visits to Secondary schools by pupils supported by Primary support staff


Below you will find a copy of our transition policy, and details of how to apply for transport for your child's new School placement. 
