Home school communications
Seesaw App Guidance – for parents/carers
Our app based home school commication system is essential information and updates on learning activities and events. Regular communication between school and home is encouraged. School communications are written up during the school day, time spent doing so is balanced with teaching time and therefore limits the level of information shared.
- For on-going relevant information e.g. timetable, kit requirements
- Communications read daily as soon as practically possible
- Staff will write up concise messages about the day’s activities and achievements
- Other professionals may use the book e.g. therapists and respite care
- Class team should write regularly (minimum of 3 times per week)
- Some information may be required daily e.g. food intake, medical & personal care
- Information e.g. significant injury, behaviour or illness should be relayed by phone or face to face, and recorded on school system and therefore not necessarily written in book
School: Providing general information about the pupil’s day in school Sharing achievements, successes & examples of learning skills & activities Informing or reminding about forthcoming events Requesting specific kit or resources Seeking information of a non-sensitive or non-complex nature Reporting a minor injury Home: Providing general information about child’s weekend or evening for news sharing Sharing achievements and successes at home General queries relating to classroom learning & personal needs Sharing information as relevant to child Reporting a minor injury |
Urgent information and requesting pupil leave of absence should be communicated to school office:
Tel: 01582 728705