Phone Numbers
Please find below a list of Phone numbers that you may find useful.
Lady Zia Wernher Kitchen | 07842 320544 |
Childcare Disability Team (Respite) | 01582 547690 |
Community Nursing Team | 0333 405 0085 |
Continence Clinic (24hr answerphone) | 01234 310879 |
Edwin Lobo Centre, Redgrave Gardens | 01582 700300 0333 405 0087 |
PTU (School Transport) | 01582 547219 |
Speech & Language Therapy | 01582 345999 |
Wheelchair Services | 01582 631349 |
Wheelchair Repairs (Millbrook) | 08700 601471 |
- The Edwin Lobo Centre has 2 numbers - the 700300 number redirects you to the 0333 number where messages are taken and redirected to the appropriate service e.g. Physio.
School Transport
PTU (Luton Borough Council - Passenger Transport Unit) | 01582 547219 - |
HATS Group (PTU Subcontractor) | 078726033357/ 01582 368311 |
24x7 (PTU Subcontractor) | 07983444643 |
City Link/ Barton Coaches (PTU Subcontractor) | 01582 881304 |
Chiltern Cars (PTU Subcontractor) | 07956487343 |
AAA (PTU Subcontractor) | 01707 333666 |
AtoB (Central Bedfordshire subcontractor) | 01582 733333 |
Hertfordshire PTU | 03001234043 - |