Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium/Recovery Premium 22/23
Pupil Premium Expenditure & Evaluation 2021/2022
Pupil Premium 2021 2022 - £44,040 plus £2123 from 20/21 Total - £46,163
31 eligible pupils - funding received for 22% of pupils
The barriers to educational progress faced by eligible pupils are having profound and multiple learning difficulties. poor well-being, complex and challenging behaviour and life altering medical conditions, homes with English as a second a language (therefore difficulties in accessing services. Erratic attendance due to difficult home circumstances can also impact outcomes. The allocation for academic year 2021/22 will be used in the following ways.
Allocated | Intent | Implementation | Evidence of Impact |
£13,680 | Enhancing the provision of music in the school and therefore improving the culture capital within the school. Music is a medium that offers opportunities to communicate with their world around them. To make choices to communicate their needs. To offer pupils with complex behaviour de-escalation spaces. Development of group skills - turn taking, sharing and listening. | To employ a musician for 1 day for 3 half terms over the year. To employ a music therapist 1 day a week for 30 weeks a year. | |
£26,050 | To maintain effective links with families, supporting vulnerable and chaotic home situations building greater understanding between home and school to improve attendance and engagement in pupils learning. Supporting for families to access services to improve family opportunities. For families to meet and exchange ideas and support each other. To support families with medical appointments improving pupil health and well-being. Work in partnership with professionals to provide multi-agency support creating effective teams around the family thus improving pupil outcomes. | To pay up to 40% of the Family Workers salary. Set up and run monthly parent coffee morning, inviting professionals to attend as appropriate. Family Workers attend safeguarding meetings and training updates. Regular home visits to pupils missing in education, working in conjunction with the EWO team. Provide interpretation. Liaison with multi agencies. | |
£1,683 | Using the newly refurbished specialised rooms, to aide delivery of quality of teaching and learning sessions of a creative nature, promoting communication, literacy, expression and engagement of pupils at all levels of learning. | Purchasing of resources and furniture for story boxes/ bag, storage, reading material and musical instruments. |
Due to the COVID pandemic the Bamboozle event has carried over from the 20/21 Pupil Premium allocation and will be delivered in the academic year 21/22.
£6,900 | To demonstrate a variety of practical, creative learning sessions for students to participate in and staff to observe initially and then feel empowered to take an active role in. To spend time looking in depth at different aspects of Bamboozle's Approach and analysing the effect on students and on the learning environment. To create a safe space in which to experiment with different techniques and ideas and explore how they might be applied to every day practice. To spend time discussing techniques, sharing ideas, looking at how strategies can be implemented and how learning sessions can be developed for further work. At the end of each consultancy session we will look at work that can be explored before the next session. | The project involves 10 days of contact time with students and staff - in 5, 2 day rounds of sessions throughout the year. |
Date of next Pupil Premium Strategy Review: December 2022
Pupil Premium Final Allocation - £40,350 31 eligible pupils - funding received for 22% of pupils
The barriers to educational progress faced by eligible pupils are having profound and multiple learning difficulties, poor well-being, complex and challenging behaviour and life altering medical conditions, homes with English as a second language (therefore difficulties in accessing services). Erratic behaviour due to difficult home circumstances can also impact outcomes. The allocation for the academic year was used in the following ways.
Allocated | Intent | Implementation | Evidence of Impact |
£3,724 | Enhancing the provision of music within the school, therefore improving the culture capital within the school. Music is a medium that offers opportunities to communicate with their world around them. To make choices to communicate their needs. To offer pupils with complex behaviour de-escalation spaces. Development of group skills - turn taking, sharing and listening.
| To employ a musician for 1 day a week for 3 half terms over the year. To employ a music therapist 1 day a week for 30 weeks a year. | Sessions delivered: Each term approximately 60 pupils participate in a music therapy session. The sessions are delivered in small groups or individually. Pupils continue to gain self-confidence, and find ways of expressing themselves through creative delivery of the therapist. Progress is individual and varies, positive engagement levels of pupils remains high. |
£24,662 | To maintain effective links with families, supporting vulnerable children and chaotic home situations building greater understanding between home and school to improve attendance and engagements in pupils learning. Supporting families to access services to improve family opportunities. For families to meet and exchange ideas and support each other. To support families with medical appointments improving pupil health and well-being. Work in partnership with professionals to provide multi-agency support creating effective teams around the family thus improving pupil outcomes. | To contribute up to 40% of the Family Workers salary. Set up and run monthly parent coffee mornings, inviting professionals to attend safeguarding meetings and training updates. regular home visits to pupils missing education, working in conjunction with the EWO team. | Family Workers respond daily to requests of support from classes and families. A summary of specific interventions are: Over the past year - 8 home visit (reduced due to COVID restrictions), additional work of 4 food bank deliveries. 15 early Help Assessments, 12 Disability Allowance applications and assistance in 22 transport applications. Weekly - approximately 4 professional/ pupil meetings (including interpretation). Daily - approximately 25-30 phone calls, 20 safeguarding inquiries to triage and follow up. |
£6,900 | To demonstrate a variety of practical, creative learning sessions for students to participate in and staff to observe initially and then feel empowered to take an active role in. To spend time looking in depth at different aspects of Bamboozle's approach and analysing the effect on students and on the learning environment. To create a safe space in which to experiment with different techniques and ideas and explore how they might be applied to every day practice. To spend time discussing techniques and sharing ideas, looking at how strategies can be implemented and how learning sessions can be developed for further work. At the end of each consultancy session we will look at work that can be explored before the next session. | The project involves 10 days of contact time with students and staff - in 5, 2 day rounds of sessions throughout the year. | Postponed to 21/22 academic year due to the COVID pandemic. |
Date of Next Pupil Premium Strategy Review: December 2021
Due to the COVID pandemic, the Bamboozle event has been postponed and will be delivered in the academic year 21/22. Further, an underspend of £2,123 has been carried forward to the 21/22 Pupil Premium allocation.
Pupil Premium Final Allocation 2019/2020 - £39,600
30 eligible pupils - funding received for 26.5% of pupils
The barriers to educational progress faced by eligible pupils are having profound and multiple learning difficulties, poor well-being, complex and challenging behaviour and life altering medical conditions, homes with English as a second language (therefore difficulties in accessing services). Erratic attendance due to difficult home circumstances can also impact outcomes. The allocation for the academic year 2019/20 will be used in the following ways:
Allocated | Intent | Implementation | Evidence of Impact |
£9,800 | Enhancing the provision of music in the school therefore improving the culture capital within the school. Music is a medium that offers opportunities to communicate with their world around them. To make choices to communicate their needs. To offer pupils with complex behaviour de-escalation spaces. Development of group skills - turn taking, sharing and listening. | To employ a musician for one day a week for 3 half terms over the year. To employ a music therapist 1 day a week - 30 weeks a year. | Sessions delivered: Summer since half term: 60 (all face to face) Summer before half term: 66 (all face to face) Spring after half term: 20 (all on zoom) Spring before half term: 8 (on zoom) The sessions are a mix of groups and individuals. Visiting School Improvement Adviser comment: Additional therapies such as Music Therapy supports pupils enjoyment and engagement |
£24,500 | To maintain effective links with families, supporting vulnerable and chaotic home situations building greater understanding between home and school to improve attendance and engagement in pupil's learning. Supporting families to access services to improve family opportunities. For families to meet and exchange ideas and support each other. To support families with medical appointments improving pupil health and well being. To work in partnership with professionals to provide multi-agency support creating effective teams around the family thus improving pupil outcomes. | To pay 40% of the Family Workers salary. Set up and run monthly parent coffee mornings, inviting professionals to attend as appropriate. Family workers attending safeguarding meetings and training updates. Regular home visits to pupils missing in education, working in conjunction with the EWO team. Provide interpretation. Liaison with multi agencies. | Family workers respond daily to requests of support from classes and families. A summary of specific interventions are: Over 9mons - 10 home visits. 8 Early Help Assessments, 10 Disability Allowance applications & 22 transport applications. Weekly - 4 professional/ parents meetings (including interpretation) Daily - 25-30 phone calls, 20 safeguarding inquiries to triage and follow up on |
£200 | To provide children with resources to explore dynamic and stimulating learning zones. Improve communication, engagement and independent choosing. | Provide resources within summer term Creative Week. | Special objects and art materials purchased in order to create stimulating learning zones using approaches such as ritual and 'Bamboozle' style drama. Novel experiences such as those on offer during Creative Weeks highlight unique responses in pupils, informing future planning and approaches to teaching and learning. Creative weeks draw the whole school together to celebrate the collective wok of the whole school on a collaborative project. |
£1,500 | A space to create a more effective learning environment. To increase opportunities for effective communication in the hall. To build well being by sharing & celebrating achievement together, improvement in concentration and attention by "sharing on microphone". | Replacement sound and lighting system in hall. | Dance and PE lessons were improved in quality of provision. S=De to COVID school was not delivering assemblies as previously. But use of microphones were effective in classroom sessions. Children were enthraled by hearing their voice loud and clear. |
Date of next Pupil Premium Strategy Review: December 2020
Pupil Premium Final Allocation 2018/2019 - £40,920
31 eligible pupils - funding received for 29% of pupils
The allocation for academic year 2018/2019 was used in the following ways:
Allocated | Provision | Aim | Anticipated impact on achievement | Evaluation |
£7,057 | Enhancing the provision of music in the school. 6 x 1 day = half a term. 3 half term blocks a year. 1 day a week - 30 weeks a year. | To employ a musician for one day a week in the Spring Term to work with ASD classes.
To pay the salary of the music therapist. |
| 5 pupils have accessed individual music therapy sessions, enabling positive engagement and promoting communication skills. 2 classes fully participate in class music lessons. Pupils have been able to use this media to work on EHCP targets such as communication and concentration. Drumming sessions have been provided for all classes over the school year. |
£28,500 | Part fund the salaries of the Family Workers | To pay 50% of the Family Workers to ensure maximum support for children in school and their parents. |
| A new transport assistance application process was put in place, the Family Workers enabled the majority of parents to apply successfully. Improving pupil attendance. Provided parents with interpretation to access medical meetings and consultations. Support with EHR enabled families to access more benefits and respite support. Creating a more financially viable home life. Pupil gains through parents gain. Reducing safeguarding risks. |
£1,375 | Theatre Performance | To provide children with a theatre production experience. |
| Down to Earth was provided and pupils with PMLD and receiving PP all attended sessions. The session was very successful. High pupil engagement and participation. Teachers have discussed activities, presented and incorporated, in several of the school 's creatives weeks later in the year. |