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Hello Alyssa

We are missing you at school. We wanted you to try some of the things we are doing in class. Our new story is all about food around the world.

I have put some other activities for you to try at home too.

See you soon

Paula and NIcki

Hello Anastasia this is Paula. We hope you are feeling ok. We wanted to send some hellos to cheer you up. We hope you like our new story. 

Take care Paula

Work for Anastasia


Whatever Next Story Telling

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Part one of our story of Whatever Next. Can you find similar resources and join in at home?

Story telling part two - Whatever Next

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Part Two of our story of Whatever Next. We hope you have fun watching at home.

Story telling Whatever Next Part three

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Part Three of our story of Whatever Next. Can you join in with resources at home?

Story Telling Part Four - Whatever Next

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Here's part four of our story. Have fun watching at home.

5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer

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Join in at home with 5 Little Men in a Fying Saucer. Can you join in with the actions?

Good morning, everyone!


Clover Class have recommended a fantastic shortbread recipe that they followed last week. There are only 3 ingredients and you can make these by hand if you don't have a food mixer, and make small balls and squash them flat by hand if you don't have a rolling pin or cutters.


The children loved adding their favourite smell to the recipe out of a choice of 3 and rolling the dough with help and choosing the cutters. Ideas for different flavours are in the recipe.


Wishing you a merry Christmas!


Lily Class Team

Christmas Shortbread Recipe

Another class story we are sharing this half term is called 'Too Much Talk' by Angela Shelf Medearis. It begins with a farmer digging up his yams and discovering that his yams talk to him. We will be exploring sweet potatoes in class this half term and this is an activity you can do at home too. The children will be supported to peel and chop the sweet potatoes. We will cook with them and print with them as the term progresses. 


Too Much Talk


The following Power Point is one of the stories we're sharing this term in class. It's a story about a little girl who fishes and finds lots of different things. We hope you enjoy sharing the story at home.

Immi's Gift by Karin Littlewood

Some practical tasks to do at home to support the story of Immi's Gift by Karin Littlewood:

  • Tear strips of newspaper or explore shredded paper. Scatter these whilst saying the phrase - "The snow fell and fell".
  • Make 'snowballs' by mixing cornflour mixed with conditioner into a bowl. Scrunch the texture into tight balls and mould between palms of hands. Break the moulded balls and watch the 'snowflakes fall.
  • Make 'snowflake' pictures by printing with paint. Place hands into paint and press painted hands onto paper to create a snowstorm picture.
  • "Immi broke a hole in the ice and fished for her supper" - Play fishing games by dipping hands into water, the cornflour mix or trays of rice. Are smaller items hidden there? What can be found?

Hello everyone,


I hope you will all have fun watching this video. It is a story of Moonbird. Moonbird has a garden which is not necessarily filled with trees and flowers. Moonbird sings beautiful songs and these are the pictures in our mind. We've had fun being imaginative in the classroom. I wonder how we can use our imaginations at home as well.


Moonbird Part 1

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Moonbird Part 2

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Remote Learning


The activities that follow will be a number of modelled activities, Attention skills activities, some story sessions, music sessions and counting songs.  We hope you all have fun with these at home. smiley

Counting and Sorting Activities

Exploring Shredded Paper

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What do I find in the shredded paper today?

Counting and Sorting Coloured Bricks

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What coloured bricks do I use in this video? How many do I count?

Counting Cotton Reels

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Count with me. How many cotton reels do I thread?

Posting Buttons

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Look at the buttons. Some are big and some are small. Which hole do they need to be posted into?

Counting Rings

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Help me count song rings and stack them on a pole. See what I add to the top of the pole at the end of the video. What things can you stack at home? What things can you find that are different sizes.
Story Telling 

Attention Skills

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Whatever Next




Hello Everyone,


Here is the link for story 'Whatever Next'.

This link is for our Facebook page and it tells the story of our bear who wishes to go to the moon. I hope you have fun sharing this story at home with your children. I wonder what resources you could find to help you tell the story at home too.




Special Requests

Hello everyone,


We have had another request. this time it is for a signing song. One child in Lily Class loves to sign the action and counting songs that we share. This is one she likes a lot at the moment:




Hello Everyone,


It has been lovely to chat to parents and find out how you're all getting on at home. 

One parent has emailed to say their child loves The Wheels on the Bus. Here is a link to that song:


Thank you for sharing this with us. I hope you have fun with this one.smiley



One child loves watching songs on YouTube from The Jungle Book so here's a little something for you! smiley


Maybe you could watch this and practise marching round the room at the same time. Could you make trumpeting sounds like the elephant in the song?



One parent has said their son is enjoying watching The Teletubbies whilst at home. Here's the introduction for you to all enjoy.



Please let me know if there's something specific you like to watch at home and I'll do my best to share it here for you.




Photos of Home Learning


Look at these lovely photos of one of the children in Lily Class. What fun he is having at home as he explores the lights and his vestibular bowl.




What other things are you all doing? We'd love to know. smiley



The Hello and Weather Song


Hello everyone,


I hope you are all well. I have posted the Hello song we sing each morning. Have a go at copying the singing and joining in with all your family members. You can access this page as much as you like and make it part of your everyday activities if you like. The Weather Song is also posted on this page so look out for that one too. smiley

Hello Song

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The Hello Song. Children are welcome to join at home with mum or dad.

Weather Song

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Lily Class' Weather Song, featuring windy, cloudy, rainy and sunny weather.




Attention Skills


The children all respond well to the Attention Skills activities delivered in class. They look closely at the objects in the Bucket and the activities that follow. The following Attention Skills activities focus on just the Bucket stage and Stage 2. Keep watching this page for further Attention Skills activities.

More Attention Skills

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Attention Skills 2

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Attention Skills

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What's inside the Bucket and what will happen during the Stage 2 activity today?



Counting Songs 


What counting songs do I choose to listen to?

Have fun while you join in at home.


Counting Songs 1

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Counting Songs 2

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Have fun watching these counting songs at home. Can you join in with the counting?

Counting Songs 3

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Counting Songs 4

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Number Songs

5 Current Buns in a Baker's Shop

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Have look at who has come to help me with this song today. What toys do you have at home that could join you as you watch and sing this song at home?






The children love listening to and joining in with Number songs. A selection of number songs will be added here. Please join in at home. Sometimes the lighting masks the numbers displayed on the number line shown. Please feel free to make your own number line showing numbers 1-5. Each number can be written on a separate piece of paper.

Make a Rocket



Why don't you have a go at making your own rocket like the bear in our story. He chose to use a cardboard box. What could you use?


Please take photos of your rockets and send them to


We'd love to see them. smiley



Counting Song featuring Rockets



Dance and move about at home while you listen to this lively counting song.

Maybe you could match your pictures of rockets while you listen or build a rocket using Duplo or junk modelling materials.


Have fun smiley




Here is another song. You can join in at home with your picture card for 5 Little Speckled Frogs or sign or dance along. Remember, you can play this video again and again. Maybe you can look through your song cards and choose this one. Have fun. smiley

5 Little Speckled Frogs

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Join in at home and sing this song. 5 Little Speckled Frogs. We hope you have fun.




5 Little Ducks


Here is another song. Join in at home with Mum or Dad. Who makes the best or loudest 'quack quack quack' sound? smiley


5 Little Ducks

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Letters from Bear



Here is a video. In it I find some stars. Why don't you ask mum or dad to help you count with me. Maybe you have some numbers you can use at home as well. Can you find the numbers to match mine as we count? I hope you have fun singing along with the nursery rhyme at the end.


What have you got that you could find like this at home? Maybe you could explore some different textures in a household, kitchen tray, for example some cereal. What different things could you find hidden in your tray at home?

Finding Stars

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The children will have the opportunity to look and help find and count 5 red stars. They can then join in with a well known nursery rhyme. Have fun!



Hello Everyone,


I have received another letter. In this letter I am asked to help Bear find his rocket. Have a close look and see what things I find before I eventually find the rocket. 

A Letter from Bear - Find the Rocket

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Owl brings me another letter. Let's open the letter and see what it says.



Hello Everyone,


I have received another letter from Bear. This time he asks me to help him build a rocket. Why don't you watch and join in at home. Can you build a rocket? Why don't you join in with the song at the end. Have fun. smiley

Building Rockets

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Home Learning Packs

Counting Bears

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How many bears do I count in this video today? Look at the different sizes of the bears I count.

Counting Bears into Rockets

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What's hiding in my spotty tin? Join me as I count bears and choose bears to fly to the moon in my rockets. Why don't you try this activity at home too.

Sticking Feathers

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What coloured feathers will you child choose to stick and where will they stick them? Do send a photo of your child doing this work. We would love to see them.

Flying Rockets


What follows is a video of me demonstrating an activity the children can do at home with mum, dad or a brother or sister. This is an activity which will be sent home next week for the children to enjoy. I wonder who they will choose to fly their rockets when they get their pack. Have fun watching for now. smiley

Flying Rockets

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In this video I have lots of pictures to choose from. Some are of owls, some are of the bear from the story and some are of astronauts. I may choose from 2 or 3 pictures each time. Which one will I choose?

Matching Owls

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Look at the different coloured owls. Can you find the colours that match?

Finding Bears

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How many bears do I find in this video? What colours are they and where are they hiding?




The following is a video of Cath (Teacher in Lotus Class) and Carly (Teacher in Lavender Class) demonstrating our Handy Pac activity we do in school. Please feel free copy with your child at home. 

Explanation for Handy Pac

Handy Pac

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A Communication, Massage and relaxation activity


Fun in the Kitchen


Hello Everyone,


The bear in our story travels to the moon and has a picnic. We would have been doing lots of cooking in class this half term; possibly making different cakes and sandwiches.


There are some cooking activities listed below for you to try at home. Maybe have fun just mixing the ingredients together and exploring them with your hands and utensils if you'd rather not eat them. Let us know what foods you like and how you've got on by emailing the class.


Have fun. smiley


Making Apple Turnovers





Making Chocolate Muffins




Making Coconut Biscuits



Make a Sandwich



Make some Scones



200g (8oz) self raising flour

Pinch of salt

50g (2oz) butter or margarine

125ml (1/4 pint milk)

A drop of milk to glaze.

Strawberry jam


Variation: Add 25g (1oz) caster sugar and 50g (2oz) of dried fruit like raisins.



Mixing bowls and wooden spoons

Rolling pins


Baking tray

Mixer, switch and link box


Chopping boards



  1. In a bowl, combine the flour and salt.
  2. Rub in the butter until mixture resembles fine bread crumbs.
  3. Stir in the milk using a knife.
  4. Knead gently and turn on to a lightly floured surface.
  5. Roll out dough to 3cm (1 inch) thick and cut using shaped cutters.
  6. Place on a lightly greased baking tray and brush with milk.
  7. Bake for 10-15 minutes at 220ºC (425°F Gas mark 7).
  8. Cool on a wire tray and serve with butter, jam and cream.



Make some Fairy Cakes

Fairy Cake Recipe



4 oz sugar

4oz butter/marg                                                                                                                            

2 eggs

1 tsp vanilla essence

4 oz self raising flour

1 tsp baking powder

Cake cases


Method :

1. Pre heat oven to 400ºF or 200ºC

2. Place butter and sugar in a bowl and mix

3. Add the eggs and vanilla essence and mix again.

4. Mix, or stir in the flour and baking powder.

5. Put cake cases on a tray

6. Spoon mixture into cake cases. (do not over fill cases)

7. Place in oven for 10 – 15 minutes.

8. Once cooked, place on a wire rack to cool.



Ice some biscuits




Maybe you could go on an exploration around your home or a room in your house and have your own adventure like the bear. What different things could you find?


Go on a Scavenger Hunt




Be a Bear Explorer


Do you have lots of teddy bears at home or even some favourite small toys? Use these and be a Bear Explorer. Can a grown-up hide them around your home or garden and support you to find them again? How easy is it to find them?

Why don’t you send photos of your rocket or of you being a Bear Explorer to We’d love to see them.





Making Instruments


It starts to rain when the bear flies home from the moon when it's time to go to have his bath. He gets wet. We would be making instruments in class and recreating the rain sounds. We would have used junk modelling materials and filled these with rice, pasta shapes or cornflakes. Have a look at the pictures below and then see what you have got at home that you could use to make your own musical instruments. One of the pictures below gives instructions of what you could need and make.


We'd love to see a picture of you playing with your instruments, making them or simply exploring the materials. Please email them to the class.

Have fun smiley







Hello everyone,


We know how much you like to listen to songs and join in with action songs. Here is one we love to sing in class. Why don't you join in at home. There will be more songs to follow and we're looking forward to sharing more activities with you soon. Why don't you let us know what your favourite songs are and we can share these on here another time.


Row, Row, Row Your Boat



Here is a fun activity you could do at home. It suggests painting with bubbles and any creations made could look like the moon the bear has seen. Don't worry if you don't have any paints at home. Instead you could explore bubbles by working with an adult to experience blowing bubbles through a straw into soapy water or blowing through soapy hands. Pat you hands onto a surface to see the different patterns or place a piece of paper over the soapy textures. 


Painting with Bubbles



For Bubble Painting you will need:

Paper containers with wide tops (e.g. plastic cups, yoghurt pots)

Powder or liquid paint

Washing-up liquid



What to do:

Put a squirt of paint and a squirt of washing-up liquid into one of the containers.

Add a little water and mix well until the mixture is runny enough to blow bubbles with.

Using the straw, blow into the mixture until the container is so full of bubbles that they rise above the top rim.

Quickly take a piece of paper and lightly touch it onto the bubbles.

As they touch the paper, the bubbles will burst and leave an imprint on it.



We hope you have lots of fun with these activities.

Hello everyone,

Maybe you could make some playdough at home with mum or dad. I have attached some instructions for this.


Can you make some playdoh with someone at home?


Silky soft playdoh

You will need: 8 tbsp plain flour, 2 tbsp table salt, 60ml warm water, food colouring, 1 tbsp vegetable oil


1. Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. In a separate bowl mix together the water, a few drops of food colouring and the oil.

2. Pour the coloured water into the flour mix and bring together with a spoon.

3. Dust a work surface with a little flour and turn out the dough. Knead together for a few minutes to form a smooth, pliable dough. If you want a more intense colour you can work in a few extra drops of food colouring.

4. Store in a plastic sandwich bag (squeeze out the air) in the fridge to keep it fresh


For lots more sensory playdoh ideas and recipes take a look at the twinkl website

Free access can be acquired using the offer code: twinklhelps


Once you've made your playdoh perhaps you can make some items related to 'Whatever Next'. Maybe you could mould the playdough to make the bear, his rocket or the moon. Maybe you could tear and scrunch the playdough to make pretend pieces of food. Don't eat it though; playdough is very salty.
