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Creative Dance - Nicky Frewin

Therapeutic Dance


Nicky comes to school on a weekly basis to work with children on a class by class basis. 

She supports pupils to move their bodies to music and empowers the adults working with classes to support pupils in positions that are different, exciting, and engaging. 


When pupils dance in Nicky's sessions we often see an increased level of communication - a clear sense of what the pupils like, and don't like; and anticipation about what is coming next. 


There is a level of reciprocal engagement to the sessions - 'I do it to you, and then you do it to me' - so that the pupils have control over elements of the session. 


Nicky, and her friend Edgar have kindly supported us by providing video of movements she uses in the sessions. 


Put on some music your child is not familiar with, alternatively there are two videos of music Nicky uses in her sessions included below. Your children should associate these with dance.


Have a go, and have fun!


Maria Gadú - "Shimbalaiê"

Låpsley - Painter

Swaying with legs

Still image for this video

Cradled Rocking

Still image for this video

See Saw

Still image for this video

Rocking Backwards

Still image for this video

Bouncing on shins

Still image for this video

Moving legs and hips up a wall

Still image for this video

Hanstand supported by wall

Still image for this video

Rolling in a blanket

Still image for this video

Sliding in a blanket

Still image for this video

Swinging in a blanket

Still image for this video
This activity requires two adults

Once your dance session has come to an end you may like to spend some time relaxing with your child. Nicky and Edgar have shared some ways that you might like to try lying to relax. 




